Active Shooter in the Church
During an active shooter situation, the perpetrator is actively engaged in killing and or attempting to kill as many people as they can, as quickly as they can before they are stopped. In most cases, active shooters use firearms, homemade bombs, or other lethal devices to injure and maim as many people as they can. Typically, there is no method or pattern in their selection of victims and these situations evolve quickly and are unpredictable. Our professional training course is a full day course which teaches you how to respond during and active shooter situation no matter where you are. You will be given instruction on ways to improve your chances of survival. Firsthand active scenarios are performed so that you can not only see what happens but also participate in a mock event. This training can be adapted to your team's specific needs.
Our courses lead teams through a series of events.
-720° Situational Awareness
-Church Case Study
-Seeing Red Flags
-Biblical Principals
-Layers of Protection
-Physical Reaction to Stress
-Decision Making Cycle
-Response Options
-Weapons Options
-Room and Building Clearing Tactics
-Stages of an Active Event
-Zones of Protection
-Searching for Threats
-Tactical Formations
-After Incident Procedures
-Victim Care
-Suspect Engagement
-Police Investigations
-Media Interviews
-Team Policies
And much more...
We then take your team through challenging scenario-based training which ultimately transitions into force-on-force interactive training using airsoft guns, gel guns, interactive videos and hands on training.
Our team develops courses specific for your team's need. Contact us today to find out more information about our training.